#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/num-traits/0.2")]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "libm"))]
extern crate libm;
use core::fmt;
use core::num::Wrapping;
use core::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Rem, Sub};
use core::ops::{AddAssign, DivAssign, MulAssign, RemAssign, SubAssign};
pub use bounds::Bounded;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "libm"))]
pub use float::Float;
pub use float::FloatConst;
pub use cast::{cast, AsPrimitive, FromPrimitive, NumCast, ToPrimitive};
pub use identities::{one, zero, One, Zero};
pub use int::PrimInt;
pub use ops::checked::{
CheckedAdd, CheckedDiv, CheckedMul, CheckedNeg, CheckedRem, CheckedShl, CheckedShr, CheckedSub,
pub use ops::inv::Inv;
pub use ops::mul_add::{MulAdd, MulAddAssign};
pub use ops::saturating::Saturating;
pub use ops::wrapping::{WrappingAdd, WrappingMul, WrappingShl, WrappingShr, WrappingSub};
pub use pow::{checked_pow, pow, Pow};
pub use sign::{abs, abs_sub, signum, Signed, Unsigned};
mod macros;
pub mod bounds;
pub mod cast;
pub mod float;
pub mod identities;
pub mod int;
pub mod ops;
pub mod pow;
pub mod real;
pub mod sign;
pub trait Num: PartialEq + Zero + One + NumOps {
type FromStrRadixErr;
fn from_str_radix(str: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::FromStrRadixErr>;
pub trait NumOps<Rhs = Self, Output = Self>:
Add<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Sub<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Mul<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Div<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Rem<Rhs, Output = Output>
impl<T, Rhs, Output> NumOps<Rhs, Output> for T where
T: Add<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Sub<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Mul<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Div<Rhs, Output = Output>
+ Rem<Rhs, Output = Output>
pub trait NumRef: Num + for<'r> NumOps<&'r Self> {}
impl<T> NumRef for T where T: Num + for<'r> NumOps<&'r T> {}
pub trait RefNum<Base>: NumOps<Base, Base> + for<'r> NumOps<&'r Base, Base> {}
impl<T, Base> RefNum<Base> for T where T: NumOps<Base, Base> + for<'r> NumOps<&'r Base, Base> {}
pub trait NumAssignOps<Rhs = Self>:
AddAssign<Rhs> + SubAssign<Rhs> + MulAssign<Rhs> + DivAssign<Rhs> + RemAssign<Rhs>
impl<T, Rhs> NumAssignOps<Rhs> for T where
T: AddAssign<Rhs> + SubAssign<Rhs> + MulAssign<Rhs> + DivAssign<Rhs> + RemAssign<Rhs>
pub trait NumAssign: Num + NumAssignOps {}
impl<T> NumAssign for T where T: Num + NumAssignOps {}
pub trait NumAssignRef: NumAssign + for<'r> NumAssignOps<&'r Self> {}
impl<T> NumAssignRef for T where T: NumAssign + for<'r> NumAssignOps<&'r T> {}
macro_rules! int_trait_impl {
($name:ident for $($t:ty)*) => ($(
impl $name for $t {
type FromStrRadixErr = ::core::num::ParseIntError;
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u32)
-> Result<Self, ::core::num::ParseIntError>
<$t>::from_str_radix(s, radix)
int_trait_impl!(Num for usize u8 u16 u32 u64 isize i8 i16 i32 i64);
int_trait_impl!(Num for u128 i128);
impl<T: Num> Num for Wrapping<T>
Wrapping<T>: Add<Output = Wrapping<T>>
+ Sub<Output = Wrapping<T>>
+ Mul<Output = Wrapping<T>>
+ Div<Output = Wrapping<T>>
+ Rem<Output = Wrapping<T>>,
type FromStrRadixErr = T::FromStrRadixErr;
fn from_str_radix(str: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::FromStrRadixErr> {
T::from_str_radix(str, radix).map(Wrapping)
pub enum FloatErrorKind {
pub struct ParseFloatError {
pub kind: FloatErrorKind,
impl fmt::Display for ParseFloatError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let description = match self.kind {
FloatErrorKind::Empty => "cannot parse float from empty string",
FloatErrorKind::Invalid => "invalid float literal",
macro_rules! float_trait_impl {
($name:ident for $($t:ident)*) => ($(
impl $name for $t {
type FromStrRadixErr = ParseFloatError;
fn from_str_radix(src: &str, radix: u32)
-> Result<Self, Self::FromStrRadixErr>
use self::FloatErrorKind::*;
use self::ParseFloatError as PFE;
match src {
"inf" => return Ok(core::$t::INFINITY),
"-inf" => return Ok(core::$t::NEG_INFINITY),
"NaN" => return Ok(core::$t::NAN),
_ => {},
fn slice_shift_char(src: &str) -> Option<(char, &str)> {
let mut chars = src.chars();
if let Some(ch) = chars.next() {
Some((ch, chars.as_str()))
} else {
let (is_positive, src) = match slice_shift_char(src) {
None => return Err(PFE { kind: Empty }),
Some(('-', "")) => return Err(PFE { kind: Empty }),
Some(('-', src)) => (false, src),
Some((_, _)) => (true, src),
let mut sig = if is_positive { 0.0 } else { -0.0 };
let mut prev_sig = sig;
let mut cs = src.chars().enumerate();
let mut exp_info = None::<(char, usize)>;
for (i, c) in cs.by_ref() {
match c.to_digit(radix) {
Some(digit) => {
sig = sig * (radix as $t);
if is_positive {
sig = sig + ((digit as isize) as $t);
} else {
sig = sig - ((digit as isize) as $t);
if prev_sig != 0.0 {
if is_positive && sig <= prev_sig
{ return Ok(core::$t::INFINITY); }
if !is_positive && sig >= prev_sig
{ return Ok(core::$t::NEG_INFINITY); }
if is_positive && (prev_sig != (sig - digit as $t) / radix as $t)
{ return Ok(core::$t::INFINITY); }
if !is_positive && (prev_sig != (sig + digit as $t) / radix as $t)
{ return Ok(core::$t::NEG_INFINITY); }
prev_sig = sig;
None => match c {
'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' => {
exp_info = Some((c, i + 1));
'.' => {
_ => {
return Err(PFE { kind: Invalid });
if exp_info.is_none() {
let mut power = 1.0;
for (i, c) in cs.by_ref() {
match c.to_digit(radix) {
Some(digit) => {
power = power / (radix as $t);
sig = if is_positive {
sig + (digit as $t) * power
} else {
sig - (digit as $t) * power
if is_positive && sig < prev_sig
{ return Ok(core::$t::INFINITY); }
if !is_positive && sig > prev_sig
{ return Ok(core::$t::NEG_INFINITY); }
prev_sig = sig;
None => match c {
'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' => {
exp_info = Some((c, i + 1));
_ => {
return Err(PFE { kind: Invalid });
let exp = match exp_info {
Some((c, offset)) => {
let base = match c {
'E' | 'e' if radix == 10 => 10.0,
'P' | 'p' if radix == 16 => 2.0,
_ => return Err(PFE { kind: Invalid }),
let src = &src[offset..];
let (is_positive, exp) = match slice_shift_char(src) {
Some(('-', src)) => (false, src.parse::<usize>()),
Some(('+', src)) => (true, src.parse::<usize>()),
Some((_, _)) => (true, src.parse::<usize>()),
None => return Err(PFE { kind: Invalid }),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn pow(base: $t, exp: usize) -> $t {
Float::powi(base, exp as i32)
match (is_positive, exp) {
(true, Ok(exp)) => pow(base, exp),
(false, Ok(exp)) => 1.0 / pow(base, exp),
(_, Err(_)) => return Err(PFE { kind: Invalid }),
None => 1.0,
Ok(sig * exp)
float_trait_impl!(Num for f32 f64);
pub fn clamp<T: PartialOrd>(input: T, min: T, max: T) -> T {
debug_assert!(min <= max, "min must be less than or equal to max");
if input < min {
} else if input > max {
} else {
pub fn clamp_min<T: PartialOrd>(input: T, min: T) -> T {
debug_assert!(min == min, "min must not be NAN");
if input < min {
} else {
pub fn clamp_max<T: PartialOrd>(input: T, max: T) -> T {
debug_assert!(max == max, "max must not be NAN");
if input > max {
} else {
fn clamp_test() {
assert_eq!(1, clamp(1, -1, 2));
assert_eq!(-1, clamp(-2, -1, 2));
assert_eq!(2, clamp(3, -1, 2));
assert_eq!(1, clamp_min(1, -1));
assert_eq!(-1, clamp_min(-2, -1));
assert_eq!(-1, clamp_max(1, -1));
assert_eq!(-2, clamp_max(-2, -1));
assert_eq!(1.0, clamp(1.0, -1.0, 2.0));
assert_eq!(-1.0, clamp(-2.0, -1.0, 2.0));
assert_eq!(2.0, clamp(3.0, -1.0, 2.0));
assert_eq!(1.0, clamp_min(1.0, -1.0));
assert_eq!(-1.0, clamp_min(-2.0, -1.0));
assert_eq!(-1.0, clamp_max(1.0, -1.0));
assert_eq!(-2.0, clamp_max(-2.0, -1.0));
assert!(clamp(::core::f32::NAN, -1.0, 1.0).is_nan());
assert!(clamp_min(::core::f32::NAN, 1.0).is_nan());
assert!(clamp_max(::core::f32::NAN, 1.0).is_nan());
fn clamp_nan_min() {
clamp(0., ::core::f32::NAN, 1.);
fn clamp_nan_max() {
clamp(0., -1., ::core::f32::NAN);
fn clamp_nan_min_max() {
clamp(0., ::core::f32::NAN, ::core::f32::NAN);
fn clamp_min_nan_min() {
clamp_min(0., ::core::f32::NAN);
fn clamp_max_nan_max() {
clamp_max(0., ::core::f32::NAN);
fn from_str_radix_unwrap() {
let i: i32 = Num::from_str_radix("0", 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(i, 0);
let f: f32 = Num::from_str_radix("0.0", 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(f, 0.0);
fn from_str_radix_multi_byte_fail() {
assert!(f32::from_str_radix("™0.2", 10).is_err());
assert!(f32::from_str_radix("0.2E™1", 10).is_err());
fn wrapping_is_num() {
fn require_num<T: Num>(_: &T) {}
fn wrapping_from_str_radix() {
macro_rules! test_wrapping_from_str_radix {
($($t:ty)+) => {
for &(s, r) in &[("42", 10), ("42", 2), ("-13.0", 10), ("foo", 10)] {
let w = Wrapping::<$t>::from_str_radix(s, r).map(|w| w.0);
assert_eq!(w, <$t as Num>::from_str_radix(s, r));
test_wrapping_from_str_radix!(usize u8 u16 u32 u64 isize i8 i16 i32 i64);
fn check_num_ops() {
fn compute<T: Num + Copy>(x: T, y: T) -> T {
x * y / y % y + y - y
assert_eq!(compute(1, 2), 1)
fn check_numref_ops() {
fn compute<T: NumRef>(x: T, y: &T) -> T {
x * y / y % y + y - y
assert_eq!(compute(1, &2), 1)
fn check_refnum_ops() {
fn compute<T: Copy>(x: &T, y: T) -> T
for<'a> &'a T: RefNum<T>,
&(&(&(&(x * y) / y) % y) + y) - y
assert_eq!(compute(&1, 2), 1)
fn check_refref_ops() {
fn compute<T>(x: &T, y: &T) -> T
for<'a> &'a T: RefNum<T>,
&(&(&(&(x * y) / y) % y) + y) - y
assert_eq!(compute(&1, &2), 1)
fn check_numassign_ops() {
fn compute<T: NumAssign + Copy>(mut x: T, y: T) -> T {
x *= y;
x /= y;
x %= y;
x += y;
x -= y;
assert_eq!(compute(1, 2), 1)