• Diagnostics and Quality Control Tools
  • ASEReadCounter
  • AnalyzeCovariates
  • CallableLoci
  • CheckPileup
  • CompareCallableLoci
  • ContEst
  • CountBases
  • CountIntervals
  • CountLoci
  • CountMales
  • CountRODs
  • CountRODsByRef
  • CountReadEvents
  • CountReads
  • CountTerminusEvent
  • DepthOfCoverage
  • DiagnoseTargets
  • DiffObjects
  • ErrorRatePerCycle
  • FastaStats
  • FindCoveredIntervals
  • FlagStat
  • GCContentByInterval
  • GatherBqsrReports
  • Pileup
  • PrintRODs
  • QualifyMissingIntervals
  • ReadClippingStats
  • ReadGroupProperties
  • ReadLengthDistribution
  • SimulateReadsForVariants
  • Sequence Data Processing Tools
  • BaseRecalibrator
  • ClipReads
  • IndelRealigner
  • LeftAlignIndels
  • PrintReads
  • RealignerTargetCreator
  • SplitNCigarReads
  • SplitSamFile
  • Variant Discovery Tools
  • ApplyRecalibration
  • CalculateGenotypePosteriors
  • GATKPaperGenotyper
  • GenotypeGVCFs
  • HaplotypeCaller
  • MuTect2
  • RegenotypeVariants
  • UnifiedGenotyper
  • VariantRecalibrator
  • Variant Evaluation Tools
  • GenotypeConcordance
  • ValidateVariants
  • VariantEval
  • VariantFiltration
  • Variant Manipulation Tools
  • CatVariants
  • CombineGVCFs
  • CombineVariants
  • HaplotypeResolver
  • LeftAlignAndTrimVariants
  • PhaseByTransmission
  • RandomlySplitVariants
  • ReadBackedPhasing
  • SelectHeaders
  • SelectVariants
  • ValidationSiteSelector
  • VariantAnnotator
  • VariantsToAllelicPrimitives
  • VariantsToBinaryPed
  • VariantsToTable
  • VariantsToVCF

  • Annotation Modules
  • AS_BaseQualityRankSumTest
  • AS_FisherStrand
  • AS_InbreedingCoeff
  • AS_InsertSizeRankSum
  • AS_MQMateRankSumTest
  • AS_MappingQualityRankSumTest
  • AS_QualByDepth
  • AS_RMSMappingQuality
  • AS_ReadPosRankSumTest
  • AS_StrandOddsRatio
  • AlleleBalance
  • AlleleBalanceBySample
  • AlleleCountBySample
  • BaseCounts
  • BaseCountsBySample
  • BaseQualityRankSumTest
  • BaseQualitySumPerAlleleBySample
  • ChromosomeCounts
  • ClippingRankSumTest
  • ClusteredReadPosition
  • Coverage
  • DepthPerAlleleBySample
  • DepthPerSampleHC
  • ExcessHet
  • FisherStrand
  • FractionInformativeReads
  • GCContent
  • GenotypeSummaries
  • HaplotypeScore
  • HardyWeinberg
  • HomopolymerRun
  • InbreedingCoeff
  • LikelihoodRankSumTest
  • LowMQ
  • MVLikelihoodRatio
  • MappingQualityRankSumTest
  • MappingQualityZero
  • MappingQualityZeroBySample
  • NBaseCount
  • OxoGReadCounts
  • PossibleDeNovo
  • QualByDepth
  • RMSMappingQuality
  • ReadPosRankSumTest
  • SampleList
  • SnpEff
  • SpanningDeletions
  • StrandAlleleCountsBySample
  • StrandBiasBySample
  • StrandOddsRatio
  • TandemRepeatAnnotator
  • TransmissionDisequilibriumTest
  • VariantType
  • Read Filters
  • BadCigarFilter
  • BadMateFilter
  • CountingFilteringIterator.CountingReadFilter
  • DuplicateReadFilter
  • FailsVendorQualityCheckFilter
  • HCMappingQualityFilter
  • LibraryReadFilter
  • MalformedReadFilter
  • MappingQualityFilter
  • MappingQualityUnavailableFilter
  • MappingQualityZeroFilter
  • MateSameStrandFilter
  • MaxInsertSizeFilter
  • MissingReadGroupFilter
  • NoOriginalQualityScoresFilter
  • NotPrimaryAlignmentFilter
  • OverclippedReadFilter
  • Platform454Filter
  • PlatformFilter
  • PlatformUnitFilter
  • ReadGroupBlackListFilter
  • ReadLengthFilter
  • ReadNameFilter
  • ReadStrandFilter
  • ReassignMappingQualityFilter
  • ReassignOneMappingQualityFilter
  • ReassignOriginalMQAfterIndelRealignmentFilter
  • SampleFilter
  • SingleReadGroupFilter
  • UnmappedReadFilter
  • Resource File Codecs
  • BeagleCodec
  • BedTableCodec
  • RawHapMapCodec
  • RefSeqCodec
  • SAMPileupCodec
  • SAMReadCodec
  • TableCodec

  • Reference Utilities
  • FastaAlternateReferenceMaker
  • FastaReferenceMaker
  • QCRef
  • Showing docs for version 3.7-0


    Outputs a list of intervals that are covered to or above a given threshold

    Category Diagnostics and Quality Control Tools

    Traversal ActiveRegionWalker

    PartitionBy CONTIG


    The output list can be used as an interval list for other tools. The logic can be inverted using the -uncovered argument argument to instead output intervals that fail the coverage threshold.

    Application example: find and diagnose low-coverage regions

    Run this toool first with the -uncovered argument to identify regions that have low coverage. Then run DiagnoseTargets on the output intervals to diagnose why they are poorly covered.


    One or more BAM files.


    List of covered (or uncovered) intervals.


     java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
       -T FindCoveredIntervals \
       -R reference.fasta \
       -I my_file.bam \
       [-cov 10 \]
       [-uncovered \]
       -o output.list

    Additional Information

    Read filters

    These Read Filters are automatically applied to the data by the Engine before processing by FindCoveredIntervals.

    Downsampling settings

    This tool applies the following downsampling settings by default.

    ActiveRegion settings

    This tool uses ActiveRegions on the reference.

    Command-line Arguments

    Engine arguments

    All tools inherit arguments from the GATK Engine' "CommandLineGATK" argument collection, which can be used to modify various aspects of the tool's function. For example, the -L argument directs the GATK engine to restrict processing to specific genomic intervals; or the -rf argument allows you to apply certain read filters to exclude some of the data from the analysis.

    FindCoveredIntervals specific arguments

    This table summarizes the command-line arguments that are specific to this tool. For more details on each argument, see the list further down below the table or click on an argument name to jump directly to that entry in the list.

    Argument name(s) Default value Summary
    Optional Outputs
    NA Output the active region to this IGV formatted file
    NA Output the raw activity profile results in IGV format
    stdout An output file created by the walker. Will overwrite contents if file exists
    Optional Parameters
    20 The minimum allowable coverage to be considered covered
    0 The minimum allowable base quality score to be counted for coverage
    0 The minimum allowable mapping quality score to be counted for coverage
    Optional Flags
    false output intervals that fail the coverage threshold instead
    Advanced Inputs
    NA Use this interval list file as the active regions to process
    Advanced Parameters
    0.002 Threshold for the probability of a profile state being active.
    NA The active region extension; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default
    NA The active region maximum size; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default
    NA The sigma of the band pass filter Gaussian kernel; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default
    30000 Maximum reads per sample given to traversal map() function
    10000000 Maximum total reads given to traversal map() function
    Advanced Flags
    false If provided, all bases will be tagged as active

    Argument details

    Arguments in this list are specific to this tool. Keep in mind that other arguments are available that are shared with other tools (e.g. command-line GATK arguments); see Inherited arguments above.

    --activeProbabilityThreshold / -ActProbThresh

    Threshold for the probability of a profile state being active.

    Double  0.002  [ [ 0  1 ] ]

    --activeRegionExtension / -activeRegionExtension

    The active region extension; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default

    Integer  NA

    --activeRegionIn / -AR

    Use this interval list file as the active regions to process

    List[IntervalBinding[Feature]]  NA

    --activeRegionMaxSize / -activeRegionMaxSize

    The active region maximum size; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default

    Integer  NA

    --activeRegionOut / -ARO

    Output the active region to this IGV formatted file
    If provided, this walker will write out its active and inactive regions to this file in the IGV formatted TAB deliminated output: http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/IGV Intended to make debugging the active region calculations easier

    PrintStream  NA

    --activityProfileOut / -APO

    Output the raw activity profile results in IGV format
    If provided, this walker will write out its activity profile (per bp probabilities of being active) to this file in the IGV formatted TAB deliminated output: http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/IGV Intended to make debugging the activity profile calculations easier

    PrintStream  NA

    --bandPassSigma / -bandPassSigma

    The sigma of the band pass filter Gaussian kernel; if not provided defaults to Walker annotated default

    Double  NA

    --coverage_threshold / -cov

    The minimum allowable coverage to be considered covered

    int  20  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --forceActive / -forceActive

    If provided, all bases will be tagged as active
    For the active region walker to treat all bases as active. Useful for debugging when you want to force something like the HaplotypeCaller to process a specific interval you provide the GATK

    boolean  false

    --maxReadsInMemoryPerSample / -maxReadsInMemoryPerSample

    Maximum reads per sample given to traversal map() function
    What is the maximum number of reads we're willing to hold in memory per sample during the traversal? This limits our exposure to unusually large amounts of coverage in the engine.

    int  30000  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --maxTotalReadsInMemory / -maxTotalReadsInMemory

    Maximum total reads given to traversal map() function
    What is the maximum number of reads we're willing to hold in memory per sample during the traversal? This limits our exposure to unusually large amounts of coverage in the engine.

    int  10000000  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --minBaseQuality / -minBQ

    The minimum allowable base quality score to be counted for coverage

    int  0  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --minMappingQuality / -minMQ

    The minimum allowable mapping quality score to be counted for coverage

    int  0  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --out / -o

    An output file created by the walker. Will overwrite contents if file exists

    PrintStream  stdout

    --uncovered / -u

    output intervals that fail the coverage threshold instead

    boolean  false