• Diagnostics and Quality Control Tools
  • ASEReadCounter
  • AnalyzeCovariates
  • CallableLoci
  • CheckPileup
  • CompareCallableLoci
  • ContEst
  • CountBases
  • CountIntervals
  • CountLoci
  • CountMales
  • CountRODs
  • CountRODsByRef
  • CountReadEvents
  • CountReads
  • CountTerminusEvent
  • DepthOfCoverage
  • DiagnoseTargets
  • DiffObjects
  • ErrorRatePerCycle
  • FastaStats
  • FindCoveredIntervals
  • FlagStat
  • GCContentByInterval
  • GatherBqsrReports
  • Pileup
  • PrintRODs
  • QualifyMissingIntervals
  • ReadClippingStats
  • ReadGroupProperties
  • ReadLengthDistribution
  • SimulateReadsForVariants
  • Sequence Data Processing Tools
  • BaseRecalibrator
  • ClipReads
  • IndelRealigner
  • LeftAlignIndels
  • PrintReads
  • RealignerTargetCreator
  • SplitNCigarReads
  • SplitSamFile
  • Variant Discovery Tools
  • ApplyRecalibration
  • CalculateGenotypePosteriors
  • GATKPaperGenotyper
  • GenotypeGVCFs
  • HaplotypeCaller
  • MuTect2
  • RegenotypeVariants
  • UnifiedGenotyper
  • VariantRecalibrator
  • Variant Evaluation Tools
  • GenotypeConcordance
  • ValidateVariants
  • VariantEval
  • VariantFiltration
  • Variant Manipulation Tools
  • CatVariants
  • CombineGVCFs
  • CombineVariants
  • HaplotypeResolver
  • LeftAlignAndTrimVariants
  • PhaseByTransmission
  • RandomlySplitVariants
  • ReadBackedPhasing
  • SelectHeaders
  • SelectVariants
  • ValidationSiteSelector
  • VariantAnnotator
  • VariantsToAllelicPrimitives
  • VariantsToBinaryPed
  • VariantsToTable
  • VariantsToVCF

  • Annotation Modules
  • AS_BaseQualityRankSumTest
  • AS_FisherStrand
  • AS_InbreedingCoeff
  • AS_InsertSizeRankSum
  • AS_MQMateRankSumTest
  • AS_MappingQualityRankSumTest
  • AS_QualByDepth
  • AS_RMSMappingQuality
  • AS_ReadPosRankSumTest
  • AS_StrandOddsRatio
  • AlleleBalance
  • AlleleBalanceBySample
  • AlleleCountBySample
  • BaseCounts
  • BaseCountsBySample
  • BaseQualityRankSumTest
  • BaseQualitySumPerAlleleBySample
  • ChromosomeCounts
  • ClippingRankSumTest
  • ClusteredReadPosition
  • Coverage
  • DepthPerAlleleBySample
  • DepthPerSampleHC
  • ExcessHet
  • FisherStrand
  • FractionInformativeReads
  • GCContent
  • GenotypeSummaries
  • HaplotypeScore
  • HardyWeinberg
  • HomopolymerRun
  • InbreedingCoeff
  • LikelihoodRankSumTest
  • LowMQ
  • MVLikelihoodRatio
  • MappingQualityRankSumTest
  • MappingQualityZero
  • MappingQualityZeroBySample
  • NBaseCount
  • OxoGReadCounts
  • PossibleDeNovo
  • QualByDepth
  • RMSMappingQuality
  • ReadPosRankSumTest
  • SampleList
  • SnpEff
  • SpanningDeletions
  • StrandAlleleCountsBySample
  • StrandBiasBySample
  • StrandOddsRatio
  • TandemRepeatAnnotator
  • TransmissionDisequilibriumTest
  • VariantType
  • Read Filters
  • BadCigarFilter
  • BadMateFilter
  • CountingFilteringIterator.CountingReadFilter
  • DuplicateReadFilter
  • FailsVendorQualityCheckFilter
  • HCMappingQualityFilter
  • LibraryReadFilter
  • MalformedReadFilter
  • MappingQualityFilter
  • MappingQualityUnavailableFilter
  • MappingQualityZeroFilter
  • MateSameStrandFilter
  • MaxInsertSizeFilter
  • MissingReadGroupFilter
  • NoOriginalQualityScoresFilter
  • NotPrimaryAlignmentFilter
  • OverclippedReadFilter
  • Platform454Filter
  • PlatformFilter
  • PlatformUnitFilter
  • ReadGroupBlackListFilter
  • ReadLengthFilter
  • ReadNameFilter
  • ReadStrandFilter
  • ReassignMappingQualityFilter
  • ReassignOneMappingQualityFilter
  • ReassignOriginalMQAfterIndelRealignmentFilter
  • SampleFilter
  • SingleReadGroupFilter
  • UnmappedReadFilter
  • Resource File Codecs
  • BeagleCodec
  • BedTableCodec
  • RawHapMapCodec
  • RefSeqCodec
  • SAMPileupCodec
  • SAMReadCodec
  • TableCodec

  • Reference Utilities
  • FastaAlternateReferenceMaker
  • FastaReferenceMaker
  • QCRef
  • Showing docs for version 3.7-0


    Analyze coverage distribution and validate read mates per interval and per sample

    Category Diagnostics and Quality Control Tools

    Traversal LocusWalker

    PartitionBy INTERVAL


    This tool is useful for diagnosing regions with bad coverage, mapping, or read mate pairs. It analyzes each sample independently and aggregates results over intervals of interest. Low-coverage regions can be identified by using e.g. FindCoveredIntervals with the -uncovered argument.



    A modified VCF detailing each interval by sample and information for each interval according to the thresholds used. Interval information includes GC Content, average interval depth, callable status among others. If you use the --missing option, you can get as a second output a intervals file with the loci that have missing data. This file can then be used as input to QualifyMissingIntervals for full qualification and interpretation of why the data is missing.

    Usage example

        java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
                  -T DiagnoseTargets \
                  -R reference.fasta \
                  -I sample1.bam \
                  -I sample2.bam \
                  -I sample3.bam \
                  -L intervals.interval_list \
                  -o output.vcf

    Additional Information

    Read filters

    These Read Filters are automatically applied to the data by the Engine before processing by DiagnoseTargets.

    Downsampling settings

    This tool does not apply any downsampling by default.

    Command-line Arguments

    Engine arguments

    All tools inherit arguments from the GATK Engine' "CommandLineGATK" argument collection, which can be used to modify various aspects of the tool's function. For example, the -L argument directs the GATK engine to restrict processing to specific genomic intervals; or the -rf argument allows you to apply certain read filters to exclude some of the data from the analysis.

    DiagnoseTargets specific arguments

    This table summarizes the command-line arguments that are specific to this tool. For more details on each argument, see the list further down below the table or click on an argument name to jump directly to that entry in the list.

    Argument name(s) Default value Summary
    Optional Outputs
    NA Produces a file with the intervals that don't pass filters
    stdout File to which interval statistics should be written
    Optional Parameters
    0.5 The proportion of the loci needed for calling BAD_MATE
    0.2 The proportion of the loci needed for calling LOW_COVERAGE and COVERAGE_GAPS
    0.2 The proportion of the loci needed for calling EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE
    1073741823 The maximum allowable coverage, used for calling EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE
    500 The maximum allowed distance between a read and its mate
    20 The minimum Base Quality that is considered for calls
    5 The minimum allowable coverage, used for calling LOW_COVERAGE
    20 The minimum read mapping quality considered for calls
    0.5 The proportion of the loci needed for calling POOR_QUALITY
    0.5 The needed proportion of samples containing a call for the interval to adopt the call

    Argument details

    Arguments in this list are specific to this tool. Keep in mind that other arguments are available that are shared with other tools (e.g. command-line GATK arguments); see Inherited arguments above.

    --bad_mate_status_threshold / -stBM

    The proportion of the loci needed for calling BAD_MATE
    The proportion of reads in the loci that must have bad mates for the sample to be reported as BAD_MATE

    double  0.5  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --coverage_status_threshold / -stC

    The proportion of the loci needed for calling LOW_COVERAGE and COVERAGE_GAPS
    The proportion of loci in a sample that must fall under the LOW_COVERAGE or COVERAGE_GAPS category for the sample to be reported as either (or both)

    double  0.2  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --excessive_coverage_status_threshold / -stXC

    The proportion of the loci needed for calling EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE
    The proportion of loci in a sample that must fall under the EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE category for the sample to be reported as EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE

    double  0.2  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --maximum_coverage / -max

    The maximum allowable coverage, used for calling EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE
    If at any locus, a sample has more coverage than this, it will be reported as EXCESSIVE_COVERAGE

    int  1073741823  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --maximum_insert_size / -ins

    The maximum allowed distance between a read and its mate
    If any sample has a paired read whose distance between alignment starts (between the pairs) is greater than this, it will be reported as BAD_MATE

    int  500  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --minimum_base_quality / -BQ

    The minimum Base Quality that is considered for calls
    Only bases with quality greater than this will be considered in the coverage metrics.

    int  20  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --minimum_coverage / -min

    The minimum allowable coverage, used for calling LOW_COVERAGE
    If at any locus, a sample has less coverage than this, it will be reported as LOW_COVERAGE

    int  5  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --minimum_mapping_quality / -MQ

    The minimum read mapping quality considered for calls
    Only reads with mapping quality greater than this will be considered in the coverage metrics.

    int  20  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --missing_intervals / -missing

    Produces a file with the intervals that don't pass filters

    PrintStream  NA

    --out / -o

    File to which interval statistics should be written

    VariantContextWriter  stdout

    --quality_status_threshold / -stQ

    The proportion of the loci needed for calling POOR_QUALITY
    The proportion of loci in a sample that must fall under the LOW_QUALITY category for the sample to be reported as LOW_QUALITY

    double  0.5  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]

    --voting_status_threshold / -stV

    The needed proportion of samples containing a call for the interval to adopt the call
    The proportion of samples that must have a status for it to filter the entire interval. Example: 8 out of 10 samples have low coverage status on the interval, with a threshold higher than 0.2, this interval will be filtered as LOW_COVERAGE.

    double  0.5  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]